NBC’s Found ended its freshman season on quite the cliffhanger.

With increasing pressure of being found out by Lacey, Gabi resolved to finally end her twisted partnership with Sir.

However Sir revealed his obsessive interest in Gabi also extended to Bella — the person he deemed responsible for destroying their little family 20 years ago. Unable to ever find Bella, his hate and frustration had grown over the decades in which she had evaded him. Cue Lacey’s visit, and Sir’s dawning realization that Lacey is in fact Bella.

Possessed of this new knowledge, Sir swore that if Gabi ever ended their partnership (by turning him in or letting him go) he would kill Lacey.

But with Sir in the wind following her kidnapping, Gabi had no other option but to reveal the truth about her basement and its occupant to the team. Lacey, Margaret, and Zeke took the news about as badly as Gabi feared they might, with only Dhan seeming to understand and accept Gabi’s actions over the previous 9 months.

The season wrapped up with Lacey’s dog poisoned, and Sir hiding in the shadows of Lacey’s home while she ignored a call from her formerly dearest friend.

Season 2 kicks off the action with an explosive series of events. The team may be scattered to the wind, but their hurt and disgust only makes them easier targets for Sir who is intent on killing all of them.

And if you’re wondering what the first thing Sir will do now that he’s finally out (apart from the whole murderous rampage thing of course), you would be correct if you guessed he’ll give himself a little makeover. With presentation and cleanliness always forefront of his mind, Sir finally ditches the scraggly beard and sweatpants for something more demure and mindful in the opening episode.

Meanwhile, Gabi will find herself fighting 3 fronts in the series premiere. She must convince her friends of their imminent danger which is easier said than done. With practically everyone avoiding her frantic calls Gabi’s warning will prove too late for two characters.

Secondly, Gabi is tasked with tracking down Sir. To do this she will have to get inside his head like never before.

And lastly, as the team argue, grieve, and finally come together, Gabi must keep the truth from Trent.

However, this last task will prove impossible, and Trent’s reaction will add a fourth dilemma to Gabi’s list of woes — staying out of handcuffs long enough to bring her nemesis in.

The “Missing While Bait” Season 2 Premiere episode of Found airs Thursday, Oct 3 (10-11p.m. ET/PT) on NBC.

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